Designing Worlds

The power of real world games

LudInc crafts stories filled with quirky characters and adventurous missions. A LudInc story is unique because it lets the children themselves take on roles in the adventure, letting them directly contribute to the story.

Everybody’s Professor

Travel time anywhere

We are preparing to make our first learning adventure Professor S. available to kids worldwide, with new exciting time travel destinations. Professor S. was successfully launched in schools across Germany in 2014.

A Class Act

Professor S. in school

Professor S. and his crew set out on their time travel journey until all of a sudden everything goes wrong. Lucky for them, they can fall back on their helpful companions: smart third and fourth graders.

Watch, Play & Learn

A curated media library

LudInc is currently busy developing an extensive media library for children, jam-packed with various content to complement the game.

A Strong Network

Technical requirements

In order to enjoy the full experience of a LudInc game, you only need imagination, curiosity and a computer with an internet connection.

We’re With You

Support and assistance

When you play the game, we accompany you every step of the way. LudInc offers detailed lesson plans and manuals, based on the framework curriculum.

2018-06-20 A NEW HOME

Today marks the beginning of an exciting new chapter for our company. We have closed our offices in Berlin and found a new home in the city of Bristol in the beautiful south west of England. Why did we leave our beloved Berlin? Read all about it here.

2015-10-13 Professor S. @Book Fair

Professor S. visited the Frankfurt Book Fair 2015! On October 18th we staged the first interactive “playing” of our time-travel adventure, together with Andreas Garbe (ZDF), the German Foundation for Digital Game Culture and The German Trade Association of Interactive Entertainment Software (BIU).

2015-09-08 LudInc @IFA 2015

We are looking back at an inspiring day. This year, the German Startups Association of German startups organises another installment of the famous Startup Days @ IFA TecWatch in Berlin. It’s the place to be for “the most innovative ideas in technology and technology products”. 

2015-08-20 #GrowForward

We called off our first Kickstarter campaign. Summer time and the holidays were not on our side and we could have made the wires glow a little more. We are taking home a ton of experience and are looking ahead.

2015-08-10 LudInc @gamescom

What will the future hold in terms of games? With our media library in mind, we sent our colleague Ulrike to the gamescom in Cologne. The world’s largest computer and video games convention ended last night with a record number of 345,000 visitors.

2015-07-23 Professor S. Crowdfunding

3, 2, 1… We have launched our crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter. We are bringing Professor S. into children’s homes worldwide, complete with six exciting time travel destinations – whether they already play the game at school or not.

2015-07-10 Generation Game

Generation Y is succeeded by generation game, a group consisting of gaming enthusiasts, young and old. This group was the focus of today’s Generation Game event at Haus der Berliner Festspiele, put on by Kompetenzzentrum Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft des Bundes.

2015-05-26 An interview

How are we learning in the digital age? How are new media integrated into class? And what is the essence of the education concept real world gaming? LudInc founder Jan von Meppen answers these and other questions in a conversation with grundschulklick. Read the interview here.

2015-07-01 Moving games

Yesterday, the ceremony for the European Innovative Games Award took place at Deutsches Filmmuseum in Frankfurt/Main. Prior, our learning adventure Professor S. had come through against 93 contestants from all over Europe and was among the three finalists.

2015-06-10 (Fee)ling lucky

We are excited to announce the winners of the Professor S. raffle. In what year do Professor S. and Jeanette land in the chapter Knights and Castles? This is the question that the contestants had to answer.

2014-12-08 Roll tape!

With square eyes and heaps of impressions in our luggage, we have just returned from Stuttgarter Kinderfilmtage (Stuttgart Children’s Film Days) 2014. Framed by the motto “Strong Children – Strong Films”, the program of films covered five days.

2014-11-27 Hands on

We are excited: Friday will see the beginning of our practical seminar “Transmedia Storytelling”, which we co-host as part of our partnership with Witten/Herdecke University and Prof. Dr. Julia Genz from the Faculty for Humanities and Arts.

2014-11-25 Merely mediocre

Compared to other countries, German students achieve a mere mediocre ranking when it comes to media competence. This is the conclusion of the International Computer and Information Literacy Study (ICILS) that was published on November 20th 2014.

2014-10-15 We are Pioneer

Over the past months, our heads have been spinning. There is definitely a lot going on. And it seems to pay off: Professor S. has been named Pioneer in Ashoka’s Re-imagine Learning Challenge in cooperation with the LEGO Foundation.

2015-05-07 At re:publica

The annual re:publica took place from May 5th through 7th 2015. Europe’s largest conference focused on digital society, web 2.0 and social media had education as a central theme with this year’s motto re:learn.

2014-10-02 Play is learning

Having been named Pacesetter in the Re-imagine Learning Challenge by Ashoka and the LEGO Foundation, we happily participated in today’s Ashoka Google+ Hangout, hosted by David Gauntlett of the University of Westminster.

2015-05-03 Listen up!

Students of Schäfersee Elementary School in Berlin welcomed a special guest to class earlier this week. Radio reporter Silvia Kurschus witnessed first-hand the excitement and challenges of helping Professor S. during his time travels.

2014-11-14 Creative minds at AKM

The Academy for Children’s Media is a unique institution in Germany, offering training programs for authors, with a focus on content catered to children.

2014-09-20 Forbes: Playful learning

We are excited to read John Townsend’s detailed article How This Time-Traveling Professor Is Re-Defining Play And Learning in Forbes Magazine.

Jan von Meppen

Concept and Game Design

Jan is the founder of LUDINC. He developed the original idea and game design for Professor S. His main focus is on content development and financing. You can read more about Jan’s work on his blog on

Roshanak Behehst Nedjad

Development and Strategy

Roshanak’s career kicked off in the film industry, organising film festivals and workshops, along with freelance jobs in TV. She continued producing award-winning films. Roshanak specializes in international children’s and youth films.

Hoang-Hoa Nguyen

Content Development

Hoang looks after our production pipeline. She also recruits and manages external artists. From 2d to 3D from environments to character concepts; everything gets done on time under Hoang’s skilled direction.

Agnieszka Michalska

Illustrations and Design

As a graduate of the Polish National Film School, Agnieszka is our resident multi-talent. From illustration to animation to frontend development: Agnieszka does it all.

Daniela Araújo

Product Development and Usability

Daniela is our very own UX guru. She excels at developing seamless experiences that are so simple, they would be unnoticeable, were it not for her unmistakable style.

Christian Wörle

Backend Engineer

Chris has his main focus on software architecture. In his previous life as CEO of devolute, he was responsible for managing a busy team of developers.

Mark Twain School is the original testing ground for our game Professor S. An early version of the game was developed and tested in cooperation with the school and its staff.

Reginhard School is situated in Berlin-Reinickendorf. Currently, around 400 children are being taught by 30 colleagues.

Kolumbus School is a federal elementary school in Berlin-Reinickendorf. The school has a high percentage of students with an immigration background.

Elementary School Neues Tor is housed in a historic building right next to Charité hospital. The school emphasises German and Portuguese in language and culture.

Arnold Zweig School is an elementary school in Berlin-Pankow, adjacent to Berlin-Wedding. There, teaching is regarded to be more than merely conveying knowledge.

Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg is the first address for film and media professionals in Berlin and Brandenburg.

Akademie für Kindermedien

Content development

Erfurt-based Akademie für Kindermedien (Academy for Children’s Media) is a workshop for professional authors and developers.

Labyrinth Children’s Museum is a space for girls and boys to learn by exploring. The options are endless.

Since its foundation in 1983, Witten/Herdecke University has assumed a pioneering role for education in Germany.


Web development

Berlin-based developers d:evolute create custom, test-driven and scalable web applications. Their portfolio contains work for classical enterprises as well as startups.


Digital education visionaries

codeSpark was founded based on the belief that all kids are natural builders and programming is one of the most rewarding and powerful ways to build.

Open-Mesh Deutschland

Network solutions

Open-Mesh has developed the first cloud-based WIFI system. The simple but elegant units are easy to install and add to a modular network.

Press Kit

Logos, images & information

Your contact for press and publicity:
Ulrike Küchler

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Company Number 11130173
CEO: Scot McKenzie
VAT ID: GB285218880
IBAN: GB15HBUK40141393833631

Responsible for content pursuant to section 55 paragraph RStV: Jan von Meppen

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Alle Rechte  an Konzepten, Ideen, Entwürfen und Gestaltungen im Hinblick auf die von uns angebotenen Produkte – insbesondere “Professor S.” und das dazu gehörende Spiel- und Lernkonzept für Kinder und Erwachsene – liegen exklusiv bei der LudInc GmbH. Jede Verwertung, Bearbeitung und Weiterentwicklung bedarf unserer vorherigen schriftlichen Zustimmung.